The Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) standard is considered the purest grade of olive oil on the market. The taste of EVOO is favored all around the world. Because of its superior quality, EVOO might be more expensive than other types of olive oils, however, the taste and health benefits outweigh any potential increased cost.
Since EVOO is the best of the best when it comes to olive oil, it has strict regulations. For one, it must be free of every defect; otherwise, the olive oil would likely be classed as virgin olive oil.
A summarized version of olive oil classifications:
Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) - the highest grade of olive oil! The best of any selection of olive oil.
Virgin olive oil: Virgin olive oil is just a step above pure virgin olive oil. While this is a good grade, it’s not as high as extra virgin. The odor and flavor of virgin olive oilmight be pretty good but not the best. It also has defects, although only olive oil professionals can typically detect these.
Pure olive oil: Standard olive oil is referred to as pure olive oil. It’s gone through refinement, so it’s a grade or so above lampante olive oil. It may contain some extra virgin olive oil to add to its flavor profile, but it’s not EVOO.
Light olive oil: Lower on the totem pole is light olive oil, named such because of its light hue. Not only that, but it doesn’t have a lot of flavor, either. It contains just as much fat and as many calories as other olive oils, though, so don’t be fooled.
Lampante olive oil: You never want to eat lampante olive oil in its original form, nor should you be able to, as it’s not suitable for people to consume. It must be refined and made more flavorful before it can be sold on grocery store shelves.
Olive pomace oil: The lowest grade of olive oil is olive pomace oil. This is produced using whatever waste gets left behind from milling olives. This is often the flesh, skin, and pits of lots of different olives lumped into one oil.
The US Department of Agriculture or USDA and the International Olive Council or IOC set the regulations for EVOO, as do other similar organizations.
EVOO products will be tested for peroxide values and free fatty acids. Also, professional olive oil testers will consume the oil before it’s sold to check for flaws and defects. They’ll also critique the flavor profile and freshness.
When buying EVOO, because of all the testing it must pass, you can be certain you’re getting the best, healthiest, and most flavorful olive oil on the market.